TEAM PERFORMANCE :8 Habits of Highly Effective Teams You Should Adopt


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TEAM PERFORMANCE :8 Habits of Highly Effective Teams You Should Adopt
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Effective teamwork often translates into greater engagement, productivity, creativity and satisfaction. People working in teams apart from  increased motivation , are more likely to persist with difficult tasks and achieve more.
An effective team accomplishes its goals and objectives within the specified time duration. For teams to be highly effective, leaders need to cultivate certain key habits that foster elevated performance.
Here are 8 habits of highly effective teams you should adopt to up the effectiveness of your team.

Can-do- spirit
Today workplace is filled with rapidly changing demands most employees are not prepared for. While others buckle at the  size and unpredictability of the task,highly effective team do not feel intimidated or shy away  from  by  the difficulty assoiciated with the taks.They take it head and are willing to face and overcone any huddles that comes their way.

Open Communication and Mutual Support
Good teamwork means a synergistic way of working with each person committed and working towards a shared goal. Candour and willingeness to listen  and respecting each others views helps them build  bonds on trust and reliance on each other. Apart forging an increasing cooperation and job satisfaction, open communicatiin and mutual support can directly improve  inclusion and diversity ,talent retention and helps to spiring the best out of team members.

Learning and Knowledge Sharing
Knowledge is a critical factor in driving performance.. Highly effective teams  prioritize effective knowledge sharing. Team members feel very  comfortable to learn or  offer suggestions and ideas to colleagues. They are  constantly updating each member of the team and never assuming that everyone has the same information. Also, by listening to their  colleagues they are openly demonstrating  mutual respect, which is essential trust-building.. This deepens the  team' s competence level  and  increases the chances of a  high peerformance.

Top oerformer teams are neither fanatical nor overly optimistic in their approaxh to tasks.They balance weigh their acions against the stack reiality on ground. They understand the strengths and weaknesses of each team member. By identifying all aspects of a project and allocating the tasks to the most appropriate team members they  boosts productivity while  ensuring that team members are valued based on how they contribute to the broader project.. They maximises the individual strengths of team members  to sustain productivity.

Mission Minded
A clear purpose increases motivation and enhances performance in the workplace. Studies have found that uniting employees around a shared purpose is a far more  powerful driver  than financial compensation. .Highly effective teams have a  high degree of focus and singlemindedness that they bring to the accomplishment of group goals.  People who feel that their contribution is making a real impact are more passionate, productive and innovative.. In the midst of difficult challanges or tension  amongs the team members,they keep their focus on the goal and not allowing disagreements  distract them from the set objective.

Values Driven

A values-driven culture, helps employees find alignment between their personal values and the organization's values. This often results in a  a unified and motivated workforce..Highly effective teams are clear about their standards of behaviour and  are deeply committed to those shared ideals. This helps the team to drive oerformance by focusing  their energy only on  things that align with their shared values.  

Constructive Curiousity 
Effective teams have members are eager to explore,research, understand and to how things or cincepts  work.. They  ask pertinent questions, explore new territories and discover new solutions to old problems.  willing to  experiment  and embrace fresh perspectives to issues inorder to gain sufficient knowledge to confront  challanges. They deminstrate an exceptional appetite for  learning and insist on a safe and supportive environment that encourages team members to ask questions and make mistakes without the fear of being  judged  

Accountable to Each Other
Team accountability is about each member of a team following through on their portion of a teamwide commitment, and holding themselves responsible for delivering high-quality results. Top performing teams hold tbeir team members accountable. Each team member understands that he is a  vital part of the whole and have a responsibility to fulfill or complete a given task within the stipulated time frame.. This inspires and motivates team members to hold tbeir ground  and gives them the opportunity  to learn more about the roles of their teammates.. Acvountability often  results in higher team transparency and improved collaboration.

In conclusion, while these habits will drastically improve the effectiveness of your team,  helping your team members cultivate this habits will not happen over night ,it will require ,patience,support and compassionate coaching to achieve.

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