11 Signs You Are a Toxic Boss


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11 Signs You Are a Toxic Boss
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While incredible bosses create an environment that provides cooperation, collaboration, and high productivity., toxic bosses bring out the worst in their team by creating and circulating negative energy that stifles teamwork, effectiveness, and enthusiasm and ultimately slows operations.

Most toxic bosses don't count themselves as one. On the contrary, they feel like they are fantastic bosses. This makes personal change nearly impossible.

How does one know he or she is a toxic boss? The following are 11 signs you are a toxic boss.

1) You take credit for group  work

Toxic bosses are often selective in taking responsibility for outcomes. When the outcome is right they take the credit and pass the blame when the outcome is bad. Their craving for social validation and spotlight blinds them and makes them relegate the contributions of other team members towards the success of the team to the background. Toxic bosses often exalt their interests above group interests. If you find it difficult to share the credit for group success you are probably a toxic boss.  

2) You are not teachable

Arrogance is a big weakness of toxic bosses. They are too full of themselves to learn from others, especially subordinates. They parade themselves as the custodian of knowledge and insists on their ways even when it makes no logical sense based on the reality on the ground. If you are not humble enough to learn from other team members or you are in the habit of dismissing the opinion of others on major issues concerning the team you may be a toxic boss. 


3) You show favoritism

One of the things about toxic bosses is that they are often prisoners of their own emotions. They play to sentiments on critical issues.  Being people pleasers, they let their emotions override logic and the principle of merit when making major people choices.  They are too weak to take a stand for merit and end up compromising standards in favor of those he is emotionally attached to. Toxic bosses favor the people they perceive to be on their side while suppressing others even at the expense of the effectiveness and emotional health of the team. If this describes you you may just be one of the toxic bosses. 

4) You are prejudicial

Toxic bosses are often too quick to judge. They jump to conclusions even without the necessary details. They rely on unverified assumptions to make major decisions. Many of their judgments about other people are based on their feelings alone, and rarely on verified facts.  A lot of the time they end up hurting their team members with their shallow-mindedness and lopsided decisions. 

5) You pass Blames

Toxic bosses lack the emotional latitude to take responsibility for their group's failures. They resort to the blame game when things go wrong. They rather save their heads than take the blame and learn the hard lessons that will in the long run enable them to identify the team's flaws and the vital gaps that should be closed to succeed the next time they try.

6) You despise the views of other people

A toxic boss has no regard for the views of others. He throws his weight around the organization and conducts himself in a manner that suggests to others that he knows it all and that whatever opinion others may have is immaterial and that they are left with no option but to align, keep mute, or ship out.

7) You are disrespectful to your team members

Appreciation is not one of the values of a toxic boss. They don't care about the feelings of their team members. They talk down on them and sometimes give team members outright insults. They show no real appreciation toward their team members' efforts and struggles and sometimes deliberately ignore the use of apologetic words even when the occasion deserves it. They force their way around just to remind their team members of their authority over them.

8) People are afraid to speak up 

The attitude of toxic bosses towards voices of dissent makes their team members choose to rather withhold their opinion than air them and earn unnecessary hostility. 

9) You value your reputation over others

Toxic bosses are willing to compromise standards just to earn the attention and respect of people they perceive to be important to them. They prefer to drag the reputation of other team members in the mud just to preserve theirs.

10) You suppress talents

The average toxic boss is battling with unhealthy self-worth on the inside and when unguarded it often makes them get into an unprovoked competition or envious situation with other rising talents. If they perceive a talented subordinate as a threat to their position, or that of their favorite, they will work against the person, and frustrate his rising. 

11)  You don't respect group decisions

Toxic bosses are usually under the illusion that the world revolves around them, and they often extend that to group decisions. They hold no iota of respect for group decisions and are willing to break or overturn any that do not align with their interest regardless of the consequences. They rarely see the need to consult the group before altering critical mutual agreements.  

If you exhibit many of the above lists of characteristics then you are probably a toxic boss and you may need to make the necessary behavioral adjustment to protect the future of your team and career. 


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