Offering criticism is an integral part of a leader's job. Without criticism, poor performance permeates the whole organization.Errors get entrenched and unwittingly rewarded. This, in the long run, would undermine the corporate objectives.
Criticism is like a double edged sword. It can make or mar. When criticism is done properly it turns people into better individuals and could become disastrous when mishandled . The aim of criticism is to help the other see the need for improvement in behavior or result and becomes willing to make adjustments. . Professional development, clarified expectations, stronger working relationships, clarified expectations and organizational growth are the direct imports of a well curated criticism.
Study revealed that managers and leaders strongly dislike giving criticism despite its benefits. This is understandable, criticism has been made to assume a different nature other than feed back.
The following tips would help leaders when there is need to criticize a team member:
Begin with an honest complement
Criticism when it's constructive should help staff members understand what they are doing well and what they need to get help on. It is unfair and counter productive to focus on the bad and ignore the good of the target person. Honest and relevant complements help the target person see the objectivity of the criticism rather than take it personal. It will also make the staff feel appreciated while preparing the ground for the staff to be more receptive of the criticism.
Be respectful and tactful
The natural response for most people under criticism is defense and resistance especially when it is done with elements of hostility and abuse. But a respectful,empathic and well worded criticism is hard to resist. When you critique a staff,always remember to keep it strictly professional. Most people know when they've made a mistake, and extending it will only destroy their confidence.
Avoid personal attacks and derogatory comments. It is rude, unprofessional, and accomplishes nothing at the end of the day. Learn to always address the issue not the person.
Make it a conversation
Leadership is about problem solving. To solve any problem effectively especially behavioral problem you must have all the facts. Ask questions about the issue at hand and listen to what the person's other side of the story. It will help you understand the staff's personal struggles and how he might be helped to achieve the desired change. You may not be aware of some circumstances that could be making best behavior or result impossible. Keep an open mind and ensure its a dialogue not a monologue.
Make it private:
It's best not to confront erring people in public. They may feel embarrassed and their ego will get in the way of progress thus making the whole exercise a ruin. Taking the person aside and speaking with him or her one-on-one is by far a better and more effective option.
Be specific
Apart from registering your displeasure, there is a greater reason why an action is unacceptable. Don't beat about the bush,let the erring staff member know with all specificity what the issue is including the consequences for the entire organization.
Suggest a better way forward
Many times employees err not because they want to but because they don't know better. People act to the best of their knowledge per time. Teach them they right or better way to do it even if you have done so in the past. Coaching is a major part of a leader's job. You will earn their trust and respect while enabling the person to self correct.
End with another compliment
How you make a staff feel is as important as the change you hope to achieve through criticism. A second complement is a suitable equalizer after the anxiety associated with a criticism. It will help re-enforce the fact that it was not about the taff but their action or inaction. Humans are emotional beings and learning use that knowledge to advance work relationships and performance should be you priority as a leader. There is a proven connection between human emotions and their productivity.
This is a nice article... Thanks for the advices.. This is great